Water Permits in Profile: The Adena Springs Controversy

A request by Adena Springs Ranch, near Fort McCoy, Fla., to withdraw 13.2 million gallons a day from the Floridan Aquifer is being challenged by hundreds of people in north central Florida. Owners of the 30,000-acre cattle ranch have applied to the St. Johns River Water Management District to pump more water daily than the […]
Lars Andersen: Guide to Florida's Waters

Lars Andersen began writing about nature in the mid 1980s. His first work, an audiobook titled “North Florida Adventure,” was an educational look at the history and locations of North Florida through the eyes of fictional characters. Listeners can drive across North Florida and hear about sites as they pass by. Since then, Andersen, a […]
Swimming in Green

On a Tuesday afternoon, Ginnie Springs near the city of High Springs, Fla., is filled with divers, swimmers and people relaxing in the water. For a weekday, there are more people than you’d expect. Every year, millions of people visit Florida’s springs and rivers, bringing their money with them. An annual report compiled by the […]
The Contamination Complication

Mark and Annette Long have lived in Florida for most of their lives and lately they’ve noticed something wrong with the local waterways. “The water is covered in algae and it doesn’t have a whole lot of flow,” said Mark. “The spring basins aren’t what they used to be.” Mark is a Florida native and […]